
Showing posts from October, 2019

Ceiling Hoist

I now have a ceiling hoist installed in the bedroom. It's a Handimove hoist that goes anywhere in the bedroom. You can watch videos of it in operation It uses a gadget called a Body Support that holds you firmly, avoiding the need for a sling. So it's quicker and easier to get into or out of. It has two large hooks that go under your thighs and two pads that grasp you round your chest. Here's a photo of it, showing the hoist motor above it. Over a couple of weeks, we've worked out workflows for the main operations: Getting out of bed and dressed Getting undressed and into bed Doing a loo run  It's quicker and easier than doing transfers with a board. It makes life easier for Sandie, particularly with awkward operations like getting trousers on and off. It works well in conjunction with the hospital bed. It's now in use several times each day.

Devon Holiday

In early September we spent a week in an adapted bungalow in Braunton, near Barnstaple: The bungalow belongs to a pair who run a small care-at-home business, both called Carol.  It was very well equipped with hospital bed, shower chair and a couple of hoists. It also had a power wheelchair and a new looking scooter. Carol was there to meet us and showed us round. She and her husband were most helpful during the week. They fastened the grab rail on the hospital bed more securely and fitted a new battery on the power wheelchair. On the first day, a Sunday, we headed for the small town centre in my manual chair, Sandie helping me to propel it. We found it hard work, with awkward pavement cambers and steep drop downs. A kind gentleman got out of his car to help over a bad patch. Once there I sat in the sun while Sandie explored and shopped. Once home, Carol gave us a lesson in using the hoist, using a sling. We got