Devon Holiday

In early September we spent a week in an adapted bungalow in Braunton, near Barnstaple:

The bungalow belongs to a pair who run a small care-at-home business, both called Carol.  It was very well equipped with hospital bed, shower chair and a couple of hoists. It also had a power wheelchair and a new looking scooter.

Carol was there to meet us and showed us round. She and her husband were most helpful during the week. They fastened the grab rail on the hospital bed more securely and fitted a new battery on the power wheelchair.

On the first day, a Sunday, we headed for the small town centre in my manual chair, Sandie helping me to propel it. We found it hard work, with awkward pavement cambers and steep drop downs. A kind gentleman got out of his car to help over a bad patch. Once there I sat in the sun while Sandie explored and shopped.

Once home, Carol gave us a lesson in using the hoist, using a sling. We got the hang of it and then used it every day.

Monday was a very wet day. We did drive to Tesco to shop.

On Tuesday I took the power chair into town and we had coffee in the friendly Riverside Cafe. In the afternoon we drove to Baggy Point. I used the wheelchair motor to propel myself along the coast path until it degenerated into a track.

Wednesday was damp, so we investigated Barnstaple, buying some sweatshirts for me.

Thursday was fine, so we visited Rosemoor, one of the four RHS gardens in the country, including Wisley. It was lovely, with some interesting exhibitions.

Friday 13th was less successful. We visited an estuary-side cafe that turned out to be closed for lack of staff; failed to find a way to get on to the path to Barnstaple; drove to Ilfracombe but found a funfair occupying our target car park. The day was redeemed by a visit to Appledore, which was delightful.

Saturday was pack up and drive home day. A very pleasant week, despite rainy days. We may go there again, particularly as the care company could provide carers if needed.


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