Feeding Tube (PEG)

I recently had a PEG fitted at the John Radcliffe Hospital. It involved admission on a Monday evening, fitting on Tuesday, going home on Wednesday.

Sandie drove me to the hospital, which was unusually quiet for us, it being an evening. I was admitted to the Neuroscience Ward in the West Wing into a 4 bed bay. I sat in my chair by the bed for some hours. Prof Martin Turner visited and we had a nice chat. Eventually two nurses came to hoist me into bed, but made a complete mess of it, nearly dumping me on the floor. Eventually they summoned two experienced nurses, who did the job in 10 minutes.

On Tuesday morning me and my bed were trundled through long corridors and lifts to Endoscopy. I was accompanied by a trainee nurse, who wanted to witness the operation. After another wait I was wheeled into the operating room. I was lightly sedated, my breathing being compromised, which still made the 15 minute process easy to undergo. I was then moved to a recovery area. My heart rate went up to 150bpm, later traced to adrenaline they gave me to reduce bleeding.


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