Floppy Head

MND has reached its tentacles into my neck muscles, causing my head to droop forward. This is a common thing to happen to people living with MND.

My first move was to buy a Head Up Collar, that was designed by Sheffield University, now made by https://www.talarmade.com/products/headup-collar/
You get a velcro collar, shaped like a snood, and a kit of 20 or so plastic shapes, which you stick on the collar to provide support where needed.

I later found out from health professionals that this device is not that popular with users and my experience confirmed that. It is complicated to customise and not that comfortable. But better than nothing.

I then found that using the power wheelchair with backrest tilted backwards helped the floppy head no end. Then, fitting the headrest to it, with an attached elasticated band round my forehead, found it works very well.

So I have stopped using my manual wheelchair in favour of the power one.

The photo below shows the HeadUp Collar fitted, plus a prototype of the forehead strap in bandage. The elasticated band works much better than the bandage, as it can be slipped on and off.


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