
Showing posts from February, 2020

BiPap & Cough Assist

We visited Respiratory Medicine in the Royal Berkshire Hospital on Monday 10th February, ostensibly to see a physiotherapist. I imagined it would be a session on things such as how to cough better. in fact, it turned out to be a session where they loaned me the two key breathing machines and let me try them out. A BiPap is a machine that connects to you via a face mask. It senses when you breathe in and pumps more air into your lungs than you could manage on your own. It lets you breathe out by yourself. It takes a bit of time to get in control of the machine, rather than it being in control of you. The benefit to someone like me, with impaired breathing, is that it gets more oxygen into your blood and removes more CO2.  Here's a photo of me trying it out:  A Cough Assist machine also connects to you via a face mask. It fills up your lungs with air, then drags it out hard and fast, simulating a cough. Hopefully it thereby drags any phlegm into your mouth. I'm still get

Visit to the John Radcliffe

Sandie and I went to the JR on 27th January for my three monthly checkup. I saw Professor Talbot. I raised the subject of having a feeding tube fitted, as my reduced lung capacity means getting it done needs to happen by mid year. He debated PEG vs RIG and JR vs RBH, then said he’d consult Jane Owen. He was in favour of getting on with it. I then saw Jenny Rolfe, at my request. I raised the subject of uncomfortable seat cushions for the power chair. She recommended a Vicair and said she’d send me one. She talked about how it contained what she called “tea bags”, each filled with air.  After that, I saw Thanuja, who suggested using a nebuliser to help shift phlegm.