Wheelchair Training

I had my first wheelchair training session this morning, from a chap who has been in a wheelchair since his teens, owing to a car crash. 

I made quite a bit of progress in this new skill. The most important aspect is being able to get over obstacles, like kerbs, thresholds, gravel and so on. I arranged it myself, as the NHS no longer provides such training. I need to do plenty of practice before venturing into the world of pavements and shops. Most people you see in wheelchairs are being pushed by someone else, whereas I would like to be able to propel myself.

His ability to get around in an ordinary saloon, with hand controls, stowing his wheelchair on and around the passenger seat in bits, was impressive. His chair was lighter and stronger than mine, rigid rather than folding.

Sandie looked on and stood behind me for safety as I made the front wheels rear up in order to mount a kerb.  My NHS wheelchair is set up for stability, so it's quite hard to get the front wheels off the ground.



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