Abbey Dore

Back home after a fine time at the annual Abbey Dore singing week. See:

Sandie and I stayed at a converted bungalow in nearby Grosmont, which had the necessary equipment.

We have attended the annual singing week for about 10 years. Last year I was walking with the support of a rollator. This year by wheelchair. The main issue was getting into the abbey in a wheelchair, as it involved descents by ramps, the first of which was particularly long and steep.I was far from sure that it was feasible, but the conductor, Paul Spicer, took me down backwards with skill. By the end of the week I had 4 able pilots plus willing assistants. Six passages of the ramps were needed each day, 3 up and 3 down.

My singing voice has been failing me, mainly in the upper registers, so I was an observer rather than a singer. I attended all the rehearsals and enjoyed them nonetheless. One hears more out in front of the choir as compared to being in the body of it. I have also had to leave the two local choirs I have sung with for many years, Goring Chamber Choir and Pangbourne Choral Society.

We renewed acquaintance with many friends built up over the past ten years and made some new ones. I received many offers of help which was heart warming.


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