One Week In

One week ago on Thursday 22nd March I received a verbal diagnosis of motor neurone disease from a consultant neurologist at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.  He was certain of his diagnosis but all the same has referred me to the John Radcliffe in Oxford for a battery of tests. They have a dedicated MND unit there that also conducts research into the disease.

This short appointment concluded a 6 month quest into why my right leg was losing function. Draggy foot, inability to lift knee much and unexpected trips and falls.  More recently, inability to get up from the floor without something to haul up on. Legs alone don't cut it.

How a few words can utterly change one's outlook on life! That's true both for myself and for Sandie. 

It wasn't a total surprise, as my mother died of MND nearly 30 years ago. It wasn't thought to be hereditary, but now 10% of occurrences are thought to be familial.

Knowing the general shape of what is to come is helpful, as it removes fear of the unknown and enables me to do focused investigation into what needs to be done by way of preparation, something I've spent much of the past week doing.

I have been most touched and warmed by messages of support and sympathy from friends and family.


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