House Modifications 1

I'm finding out that house modifications are a big part of preparing for MND and probably have the longest lead time for getting them done.

The biggest thing is being able to get upstairs when in a wheelchair. A wheelchair lift is the answer, if the house can accommodate it. I have a lift salesman coming round next week to see if it would be practical. A lady up the road has had one fitted for her husband (stroke) so we plan to have a look at it. 

Second best would be a stair lift. But that needs the occupant to be able to support their body while travelling in it. Also to be able to manage transfers on to it and off it on each transit. So it would be usable for a shorter distance into the disease.

The other things are making the house generally accessible by wheelchair with ramps, paving and adequate turning circles. I have a good friend and neighbour who will help me with all this, as well as helping to clear out the house and garage of unwanted stuff. Adding home automation features, such as turning lights on and off from an iPad, is also something I'm looking into.

An Occupational Therapist is the person who can advise on all this and I hope to get a referral to one. But I'm not waiting for that to happen before doing things.


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