Voice Banking

I have started banking my voice, using an organisation called Model Talker.  You have to record 1,600 sometimes tongue twisting phrases. It scores you on speed of utterance and quality of pronunciation. Green, yellow or red dots appear for each recorded phrase.

I've recorded 350 phrases so far, using the headset that they recommend. Achieving both green dots is hard and I have a fair number of red dots that I can't make green, even if I re-record them several times. So I settle for yellow. 

Model Talker seems the most popular voice bank by far. But there are half a dozen others. I know there's an iPad app that will speak your voice, using Model Talker files. That of course needs your fingers to work, touching the screen.

I have not yet got to the bottom of which voice banks work with which speech generating hardware units that support eye control. I've found two of these: one by Tobii Dynavox (USA) and one by Smartbox (UK).

I have been given contact details for a local chap who is a voice bank enthusiast, so I hope he'll be able to demystify me.


  1. I just looked up Model Talker - this is fascinating stuff, John. Thank you for sharing this. You are being so proactive and it's great to hear that technology can be put to such good use.


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