Wheelchair Clinic, Royal Berks

I went for my introductory wheelchair clinic, expecting to be told that I wasn't doddery enough to need a wheelchair, so come back later. I was also expecting to find a large room full of battered wheelchairs and harassed staff.

The reality could have hardly been more different. We got there half an hour early but still rang the bell just outside. Out came a chap who said "Mr Burton?" and ushered us into a normal room containing no kit.

He asked me what my expectations were, so I briefly described my health status and my limited understanding of the wheelchair world and spoke about the three electric wheelchairs that MNDA had developed with manufacturers for people with MND. I also said I'd come this early, as recommended a month ago by Maureen from Adult Social Services.

Much to my surprise, Paul said I'd come at exactly the right time, as it gave him time to supply equipment without rush.  He knew all about the MDNA wheelchairs and reeled off their names.

Further to my surprise, he said he'd supply a self-propelled wheelchair in a month's time and an electric wheelchair in 4 months time, both from Invercare. He also said that one of his team would come to my house to measure doorways and so on.

He measured the width of my hips while I was sitting. I offered to stand up, but he said no, as people changed shape when they sat.

Sandie asked about fitting a bar across the back of the self-propelled wheelchair and about building a lift into the electric one. I said a lift would be great help, both for reaching things inside the house and for social situations. He said yes to both, the lift to be funded by MNDA.

I was rather expecting to have to fund the electric wheelchair myself, so feel that they couldn't have provided a better service if they'd laid out a red carpet and had a band playing!


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