Health Status

Here is an update on how my MND is progressing.  My right leg remains the most affected, but still supports me in standing and walking. It has very little lift ability. If lifted and then let go, it just flops downward with a thud.

My left leg is slowly following suit, running about a year behind. I can still lift the left foot several inches from the ground. The leg has plenty of push ability, which is important in getting me from sitting to standing.

However the left foot is getting close to becoming unable to switch reliably between brake and accelerator pedals, which is why the car is now equipped with hand controls.

The rest of me remains OK, with body, arms, neck, breath capacity, ability to talk and swallow all normal.

We saw Professor Kevin Talbot at the John Radcliffe today. He says that progression of MND from one leg to another is the best path and means that my MND is progressing more slowly than the average lifespan of 2-3 years. If it went from one leg to say an arm, that would be a sign of it going faster.

Because both legs are now affected, walking with a rollator has slowed down considerably. I can propel a wheelchair much faster on a level and smooth surface.


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