Wheelchairs, wheelchairs

It's been a wheelchair intensive week. 

The power wheelchair, an Invercare TDX SP2, was delivered on Tuesday afternoon, courtesy of the NHS. Laila's partner Michael made a temporary ramp for the back door over the weekend. The delivery driver walked the machine into the house using the ramp without stopping. 

Once in, it took my sister and I nearly an hour to find the socket for plugging in the charger. We hunted through the user manual as well as the machine itself. Eventually I found it, hidden under the control panel.

I put it through its paces, including raising the seat so that I was at normal head height and could reach the higher kitchen cupboards.

Today Margie drove us to Aylesbury and Gerald Simonds. We met Nesad again who wheeled out the new Helio C2 manual wheelchair. He spent some time adjusting it to suit me and making it less tippy.

This afternoon, we tackled two potential major potential gotchas:

  • Would the Helio C2 fit in the Topper?  On the first attempt it jammed on the hand rests. So we took them off. On the second attempt it jammed again, with one handle in and one sticking oiut. So I bound both handles tightly together with string. On the third attempt it successfully went home, but with very little clearance. Nevertheless it went in OK three times in succession.
  • Would the Invercare TDX power chair fit in the Stannah lift?  Going in forwards it wouldn't. So I took off the foot plates, which stick out a long way. It still wouldn't fit. So I went in backwards and it did just fit, provided foot plates were removed. I went successfully upstairs. However, once upstairs, the machine proved just too bulky to manouevre around the small landing, with the stairwell yawning beneath.
  • We know the Helio C2 will fit in the lift, as it's shorter than the Invercare manual chair, which just fits. Here is a photo of me using it to go up the ramp in the rain, leaning forward so as to prevent the chair from tipping over backwards. The car with its Topper is also visible. 


  1. There are mainly two types of wheelchair manual and electric. Aids 4 Mobility has both types of wheelchairs in their collection. You can visit their site and purchase. The quality of their wheelchairs is so high. Electric wheelchairs


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