Diagnosis Anniversary

Friday 22nd March 2019 marked one year since I was diagnosed with MND. We marked it with 3 days staying in Sidmouth. Here is a video of me rolling through the Byes, which run alongside the River Sid.

Here is a selfie of Sandie and me:

This blog entry also marks the point at which I started to use the wheelchair for indoor as well as outdoor use. An involuntary giving way of the knees in my bedroom late one evening has triggered this, as I found I was unable to rise from the floor by my own efforts and had to phone a strong neighbour to lift me on to the bed.

The wheelchair is safer, as one cannot fall; and now faster than using a rollator. I can't afford to allow myself to slump to the ground if I cannot then pull myself back on to my feet.

I started the past year walking without any supports; moving to using one, then two sticks. That period was followed by many months using rollators, which has only just ended.  


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