Lambeth Palace

On Thursday 23rd May we did a trip to Lambeth Palace and back, as part of the small St Bartholomew's choir in Lower Basildon. The occasion was the 50th anniversary of the Churches Conservation Trust, who look after and conserve 350 'at risk' churches

Members of the Trust had visited St Bartholomew's last year when we sang in an evensong there. Apparently we are the only functioning choir in all their churches, which is why we were invited to the 50th anniversary bash.

Lambeth Palace is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury. He however was not in evidence!

The Benbow sisters were the organisers and booked a special coach with a built in wheelchair lift, so that I could come. The coach turned out to be brand new and the lift most efficient. Once in, I was clamped to tracking in the floor.

Here is a video of me descending from the coach on the road just outside the palace.

We formed up with our back to one of the buildings with a large lawn in front, beyond which was the marquee with speakers and audience.  We performed a medley of sacred and secular pieces and were applauded by a few passers by. 

Once done, we went to the marquee and were offered glasses of wine. We heard some of the speeches, which included a nice thank you for our performance. A group of "aliens" appeared, with white faces, black clothing and strange expressions. They prowled around, looking ominous.

The journey back was broken by the coach stopping to secure me and my wheelchair better. When the coach had accelerated, the wheelchair tipped back in alarming fashion. The rest of the journey home went calmly.


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